Mara Budde Editorial Intern | Agri-View
Cows and heifers could be found at various shows in the state including the Dodge County Fair, District show, the Wisconsin State Holstein show, Minnesota State Fair and the National Normande Show. Car-Bon animals have even graced the colored shavings at World Dairy Expo.
“Showing is a lot of work but it’s a special thing walking into the ring after all that work,” Carl says. Abby and Car-Bon Mark Amelia, Junior All-American 3-year-old, were the only two cows that went to World Dairy Expo.
For five or six years in a row, Car-Bon Farm had earned Reserve Champion at the Dodge County Fair. Then finally, Carl and Bonnie earned the top spot with Car-Bon James Lindsey EX-93.
Both Holsteins and Normande embryos have been shipped internationally to Germany and Japan, respectively. Car-Bon has been a place of international intrigue, as numerous tours have occurred there throughout the years for groups from Australia, Japan and Germany.
“Many tours come here and we’ve gotten to meet people from all around the world. That was a highlight of the year,” Carl says. “You’d learn what is working for them too. It was an exchange of information.”
Carl and Bonnie also kept busy with the Dodge County Holstein Association and donated a heifer to the Share Basis program, a county program that gives youth a chance to work with a registered Holstein calf through the dairy project, for many years. Carl also served as the Dodge County Fair dairy superintendent for 11 years.
Original Article at: Agri-View Dairy News