Site icon Dodge County Fairgrounds

Help us End Hunger Together!

With the purpose of supporting Southern Wisconsin’s Second Harvest Food Bank and their goal of ending hunger, the Fair Association of Dodge County has provided its facilities for free this winter. The same location will be hosting the Mobile Pantry Program, which will take place on every month’s second Saturday at the Fairgrounds.

The business owners from the same community have provided their complete support to this cause by taking care of all plowing, plumbing and parking needs of the Fairgrounds.

This was done because Together, we can be the Solution that ends Hunger.

To provide a perfect event, Beaver Dam’s K&B Tree and Lawn Care donated their snow plowing services. At the same time, Watertown’s Environmental Specialists have generously offered their portable toilets.

All members of the community who wish to be provided with the Mobile Pantry Program’s benefit should be informed about the following:

Event is scheduled to start at 10 AM and will take place every month on its second Saturday. The registration process begins at 9:45 AM.

The food distribution itself will take place in the shelter located under the facility’s grandstand.

All should use the entrance on the High Point Road, from the Highway 33.

The event does not require any pre-registration, proof of residency or ID.

The building is not heated, which is why all should dress accordingly so that they stay warm.

It is recommended that all bring enough containers, boxes, and bags that will be used to transport the received food.

For more information, visit

Food Pantry upcoming events (all will take place on Saturdays):

Please be aware that none of the mentioned events will be postponed or canceled due to snow or rain, except in the case the roads are deemed dangerous or unsafe for travel. Anyone visiting is advised to use their one judgment and discretion while driving and navigating any icy or wet roads.

The information about any possible cancelation will be available on the dedicated hotline operated by Southern Wisconsin’s Second Harvest Food Bank.

Get involved! If we Work Together, We can and will Help those in Need.

Persons who wish to help out with the process of food distribution are welcome to get in touch with Paul, a team member of the mobile pantry. Paul can also be contacted using his email

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