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Meat and Frozen Food Raffle

Small Animal 4H Rabbit Entry

Lydia and Heather with a 4-H rabbit entry in the new Small Animal Building

Quacking away in the Small Animal BuildingThe Dodge County 4-H Small Animal Project and Dodge County 4-H Leaders Association are sponsoring a Meat and Frozen Food Raffle to raise funds for the Small Animal Building at the Dodge County Fairgrounds.

The raffle will include a 15 cubic foot Frigidaire chest freezer filled with meat and other frozen foods. 4-H Small Animal Project members will be selling raffle tickets in the Small Animal Building during the Dodge County Fair.  The drawing will be held during the Small Animal Auction on Saturday August 17, 2013 at the Dodge County Fair.

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Nehls at (920) 485-0142.

Thanks for your consideration in supporting the Dodge County 4-H Small Animal Project.


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