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Statz wins big at fair with patio set made from old cable spool

“I like the recycling category, because I don’t have to buy things to make something,” said Parker Statz, Juneau, Hyland Prairie 4-H Club. “It was something different I wanted to try, because I get to use things just lying around home.”

“Recycling” is part of the “Natural Sciences” project in 4-H. Statz has exhibited in the project at the Dodge County Fair for several years and has won first place, with a merit award, every year. “To get started on my projects, I find something I own and then go on the internet to look for ideas on what to do with it. Pinterest is very helpful with this.”

“Mom actually found this idea where you take the bottom part of a cable spool and turn it into benches,” noted Statz. “We had two spools at our place, so I took one into my Dad’s shop, and I cut the bottom off. I sanded it, rounded the edges, and stained it. Then I cut the bottom circle in half to make benches, sanded the halves, rounded the edges, and stained them, too.”

Since this project would likely sit on Mom’s patio, she picked out the fabric for the bench covers. “Mom went to JO-ANN’s and bought fabric and foam. I stapled the fabric over the foam on the benches with an air stapler. That was the hardest part of the entire project. I also bought some metal to use as detail around the base of the table. The judge was really impressed with the finished product and says I should stamp my name on it somewhere.”

In addition to natural science, Statz is in the vegetable and swine projects, but natural science is his favorite. “At the moment, I don’t have any ideas for next year, but I’ll find something.”

The Dodge County Fair continues through, Sunday, Aug. 22, 2021.

Written by Dori Lichty — farm wife, 4-H Mom, and full-time communicator

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