Nearly 650 4-H and FFA members, grades 1-13, from Dodge County will exhibit more than 4,500 projects this year at the fair. Exhibits from woodworking and animals to aerospace and recycling to cultural arts and photography are on display in the Youth Building. Take a look at what young people are doing in our community. For more information, call the County UW-Extension at 920-386-3790.
The County Fair to Feature Youth Exhibits
About the Author: Fair Assoc
The Dodge County Fair Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to enhancing our community. We organize the annual county fair and host various community events. Your tax-deductible contributions help maintain our historic fairgrounds, ensuring a vibrant future for our community.
Can a 10 year old who is not in 4-H exhibit at the fair? My grand-daughter is interested in
exhibiting photography . Please respond.
Thank you for asking, YES a 10 year old can enter in the open class photography exhibits. Our Fair has two exhibit areas; the Youth Building (Junior Fair) is for 4H and FFA entries, the Arts & Crafts Building and under grandstand for open class exhibits. The Fair Premium Book has the entry pages, rules and information for exhibiting in the open class. The Fair Book is being printed and should be available at area Dodge County Banks, Recheks Food Pride and Beaver Dam Piggly Wiggly by the second week of July. Or, send your complete mailing address to [email protected] before July 1st to have one delivered to your home address.