The Dodge County Fair’s Open Class Exhibits are a popular event for people of all ages and skill levels across the state. Every year, hundreds of participants enter their creations in various categories. To get involved, you can pick up a printed copy of the exhibitor handbook at most banks in Dodge County, the Fair Office, or specific grocery stores in Beaver Dam and Juneau. An online version is also available for easy access and printing additional entry forms. If you have any questions about the Open Class Exhibits or the entry process, feel free to leave a comment or contact the designated superintendent for your area.

All exhibitors and anyone interested should join the Open Class Exhibitors Facebook Group

Ready to submit your entries for the Dodge County Fair’s Open Class Exhibits? You can do it conveniently online! Click here to access the online entry system. Once you’ve submitted your entries, you’ll receive an email with a link for secure payment through the Dodge County Fair’s system. In the payment details, be sure to include “Open Class Entry” as the item description and enter the total amount from the invoice you received from Fair Entry. If you’re paying for multiple exhibitors at once or using a credit card under a different name than the exhibitor, simply note the exhibitor names in the “Business Name” field.

2024 Dodge County Open Class Premium Book