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Year after year, this event has become an exciting tradition for the Dodge County community, with approximately a half dozen competitors reuniting in Beaver Dam. The popular competition will feature various pro stock tractors and some of the top-running diesel trucks in the country. Classifications will include: Pro-stock Tractor (PST), Limited Prostock Tractor (LPST), 540 Light Pro Tractor (540LP), Super Farm (SF), Light Limited Super Stock Tractor (LLSS), Limited Pro Diesel Truck (LPDT). This is BSTP’s most anticipated event of the entire competition season. Fans can get competitive themselves, while they watch the instant replays and driver stats fend for high placement on the leaderboards. Participants will compete to see who can pull weight transfer sleds the furthest across the two action-packed tracks.

The concert series, tractor pull and all other grandstand entertainment are always FREE with paid gate admission to the fair.  Attend the fair for only $7 per day by purchasing a season ticket.  Daily gate admission is $10 before 12:00 pm; or $15 after noon.  Children age nine and under are FREE.  Season tickets are only $35 in advance or $40 at the gate. Tickets can be purchased at most Dodge County Banks, Beaver Dam Food Pride, Beaver Dam Piggly Wiggly or at the Fairgrounds Office. Please NO CARRY-INS. FREE Grandstand and Parking – all you pay is your admission to the fair!

Can’t make it to the event? Don’t worry, the excitement doesn’t have to stop there! Become a member of our YouTube channel and experience the thrill of the competition live from the comfort of your own home. It’s the next best thing to being there!

Feel free to post a question in the comments section below and we’ll answer within a few hours.  If you check the box for “Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail” you’ll get an email when we reply.

Photos by Larry Douma of Leader Photography

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