Open Class Clothing Judging
August 17, 2022 @ 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
The open-class clothing division features two basic classes: children’s garments, consisting of about 20 different categories, and adult garments, which includes more than 25 categories. Garments are judged according to three main criteria. “Design” includes purpose, individuality, and outline. “Material” is comprised of texture; color and design, including trimmings; suitability to purpose and design; durability and economic aspects; and cleaning qualities. “Workmanship” is the final criterion; it includes choice, durability, and neatness of construction, the perfection of hand and machine stitching, and pressing. Judging will be held Wednesday of the fair in the Open Class Exhibit Building at 9 a.m. In addition to awards of first, second, third, and fourth place in each category, a rosette is presented to the best of show. Exhibitors and fairgoers are invited to sit and watch the judging process.
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