Kids Games and Prizes
Hosts Cale Zomer and Lezli Young announce the action while members of the audience test their skill; musical chairs, potato sack races, bean bag toss, and many more.
Hosts Cale Zomer and Lezli Young announce the action while members of the audience test their skill; musical chairs, potato sack races, bean bag toss, and many more.
In just 30 days the rides and games on the midway will bring smiles to families from throughout the state. A&P Carnival always entertains with new rides and games each year. Families enjoy the discounts and specials on rides Wednesday thru Saturday, go to our Rides and [...]
In just 60 days the five days of family fun begins! Watch Kandu the Magician, ride the many carnival rides and play games in the midway for fun and prizes. There's so much to do you'll need all five days! Get discounts and deals [...]