Dodge County Master Gardener Plant Sale
A wide range of plants that grow in the upper Midwest including succulents, native plants, perennials, grasses, and some heirloom vegetables will be for sale.
A wide range of plants that grow in the upper Midwest including succulents, native plants, perennials, grasses, and some heirloom vegetables will be for sale.
The Beaver Dam Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry occurs throughout the year on the second Saturday of each month. The December 10 mobile pantry will take place at the Dodge County Fairgrounds from 10:00-11:30 am. Attendees should dress warm this month, as the facility is not [...]
The June Mobile Food Pantry is the second of the recurring event this year planned to take place on 11th June, 2016 between 10:00 am and 11:00 am. This periodic event is scheduled to be held at the Dodge County Fairgrounds offered by Dodge County Fair [...]
Have fun this summer while helping the non-profit Fair Association communicate with event attendees. We are seeking volunteers to help with our many social media outlets. Pictures, stories, shares and communicating with our fans before, during and after major events. You can write press releases for our [...]
The Fair Association of Dodge County will again provide its Fairgrounds facilities for free to support Southern Wisconsin’s Second Harvest Food Bank in their goal to end hunger. These facilities will host the Mobile Foodbank and Pantry scheduled for the second Saturday of every month. The [...]
With the purpose of supporting Southern Wisconsin’s Second Harvest Food Bank and their goal of ending hunger, the Fair Association of Dodge County has provided its facilities for free this winter. The same location will be hosting the Mobile Pantry Program, which will take place on [...]
In a bid to support Second Harvest Food Bank of Southern Wisconsin in their mission to end hunger, The Dodge County Fair Association has opened their doors free of charge this winter, to host the Mobile Pantry Program on the second Saturday of each month at [...]
Winter events at the Fairgrounds are rare due to the many challenges of plowing, plumbing and parking. The Dodge County Fair Association has opened their doors free of charge to the Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry on the second Saturday of each month. Business owners throughout [...]
Community members who wish to benefit from the Mobile Pantry Program are encouraged to bring bags, boxes, wagons or other containers to help transport the food they receive. No pre-registration, ID or proof of residency is required.
04/13/18: Due to inclement weather forecasted for Saturday, the Beaver Dam Mobile Pantry at the Dodge County Fairgrounds is canceled for Saturday, April 14th.