Showdown at Dodge WCLA Jackpot Show
Wisconsin Club Lamb Association (WCLA) presents the 2020 Jackpot Show at the Dodge County Fairgrounds for area youth to gain experience with sheep showmanship.
Wisconsin Club Lamb Association (WCLA) presents the 2020 Jackpot Show at the Dodge County Fairgrounds for area youth to gain experience with sheep showmanship.
The Dodge County 4-H and FFA youth Meat-Animal-Sale-Committee fundraiser planned for Saturday, March 21, 2020, at Dodgeland High School, Juneau, Wis., has been cancelled due to COVID-19. “I will look into the future with Dodgeland High School and try to reschedule the event for some time [...]
4-H clubs and FFA chapters earn herdsmanship awards through designated criteria that include; care of the exhibit, appearance and attitude of the exhibitors, and preparation of the exhibit.
The crowd will roar with laughter during the Little Britches Showmanship Contest on Sunday afternoon of the Dodge County Fair. The wild and fun-filled event is held in the Farm Progress Arena just North of the Open Class Exhibit building.
Youth participate in Danish judging prepare the model and set up the entry on the judging table. Verbal assistance is permitted but all hands-on work should be done by the youth exhibitor.
Take time to attend the Little Bunny Huddle Showmanship Contest in the Small Animal Building during the Dodge County Fair. Contestants demonstrate their showmanship abilities with face-to-face judging followed by distribution of participation ribbons.
The Dodge County Dairy Youth participating in the dairy project will again be recognized for their hard work at the 2020 Dodge County Dairy Youth Recognition Auction.
Younger brothers or sisters of any current 4-H member of younger children of a 4-H volunteer leader may bring 1 entry to the Dodge County Fair to be entered in the Youth Building on Entry Day before 7 pm.
Youth participate in Danish judging where animals are evaluated on general appearance and condition, temperament, hair, coat, paws, nails, and body build.
Youth participate in Danish judging where goats are evaluated on functionality, structure, balance, and attractiveness.