The County Fair is an exciting time for 4-H members. It is an opportunity to display to the public the handiwork they have made and show animals they have worked with. The 4-H motto is “learn by doing” and the fair is an excellent example of this.
4-H members work on a variety of projects and share these results with the general public at the fair. Through doing this, 4-H’ers learn about working with others, making decisions, and responsibility. An important aspect of the fair is judging. 4-H projects are judged on their quality of workmanship. Although competition is an important part of the fair, the real courage for 4-H members lies in competing to better their own skills, not to “beat” out somebody else.
It’s exciting for 4-H members to win ribbons and trophies, but sometimes it’s the one who comes in last who really wins. They win by learning important things about their projects and themselves. They learn to be good “sports” and grow from their mistakes. Yes, the fair can be an exciting time! So, when you attend this year’s Dodge County Fair, go to the grandstand show, attend the carnival, and eat at the variety of food stands. But don’t forget to visit the 4-H, FFA and other youth group projects, barns and exhibits. I promise you that you will be impressed with the work done by these young people. And remember-they are all winners!
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