It’s a lot smoother around the Fairgrounds lately, General Asphalt of Beaver Dam paved over many of the rough, dusty gravel roads. Three complete roads, one partial and several patches have been laid in several places on the grounds. The newly paved roads will reduce dust, provide a smoother surface for wheelchairs and strollers – all of which allows for future expansion of the vendor area and more events on the grounds throughout the summer.
Over 1,500 square feet of blacktop was added in several areas;
- Stock Street was paved from Fairview to Lincoln Road at the front of the Small Animal Building
- East Midway Circle was paved along the Lions Park shelter and rest area for wheelchairs and strollers
- Patched sections on Stock Street along the Junior Dairy Barn and Fairview Road entrance area
- 320′ on the West end of Wisconsin Street between Fairview and Lincoln Road through Machinery Row
- 320′ on the West end of Western Street between Fairview and Lincoln Road along the Commercial Tents and WTKM Stage
The fair grounds gets the most use during the annual County Fair where last years Fair attracted a record 59,875 attendees. Ticket sales from last year funded this and many other improvement projects making it easier for vendors and more enjoyable for attendees. The Fair Association maintains a non-profit status, reinvesting in the grounds and buildings as funds allow. The grounds host a variety of youth and educational events throughout the summer that will appreciate the improvements as well.
Thank you to all the volunteers and organizations that have helped and contributed – we’re looking forward to another successful year!
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