Who may exhibit at the Dodge County Junior Fair?

All youth, who are Dodge County youth organization members (4-H, FFA, Jr. Holstein Assn or other recognized youth organization under adult leadership, grades K-13, that has an education program appropriate to that organization and is approved by the Dodge County Fair Board) are eligible to exhibit. Cloverbuds (grades K-2) may enter in Cloverbud category ONLY.  Exhibitor grade is January 1 of current year.

How to enter Junior Fair Exhibits

Junior Fair Entries are submitted online with Fair Entry. No paper entries are accepted. Read the general Fair Entry Rules and then the specific rules for EACH department project you’ve entered.  Exhibitors are allowed 20 total entries in the Dodge County Junior Fair. Online entries open Monday, May 20 and close on Friday, June 14 at 7 PM.

Please contact the Dodge County Junior Fair Entry Coordinator with questions [email protected] or 920-386-3834

Junior Fair Documents

Other youth event information and entry forms

Other youth event contests are open to any youth in the age category listed for that event (usually 4K through 4th grade) – kids do not have to be in 4-H to participate.

Judging Types

  • Danish Method: This is the traditional system whereby all exhibits of the same lot number are present simultaneously to the judge. The judge evaluates each exhibit but is permitted to give a maximum of 25% ribbons to each group (blue, red, white & pink). Exhibitors do not need to be present for this type of judging.
  • Conference Method: All exhibits within a lot number are presented simultaneously, evaluated and awarded ribbons as in Danish judging, BUT the exhibitor or their representative must be available to present the exhibit. The judge asks questions pertaining to the exhibit and awards ribbons accordingly.
  • Face-to-Face Method: This type allows for more flexibility on the part of the judge and the exhibitor. Exhibitors bring all their exhibits in that department to be judged at one time and talk to the judge about the exhibits. Exhibits are not compared with other exhibits in the same lot number but judged on their own merit. The judge may award the ribbon and premium which is appropriate without regard to Danish percentages.
    • What if an exhibitor cannot be present for their face-to face or conference judging?  Exhibitors who cannot be present for their judging must contact the department superintendent ahead of time. It is preferred that another exhibitor sits in for that person’s discussion with the judge; however, a leader or parent may sit in if necessary. There is no automatic penalty for exhibitors who are not present for their judging. It is up to each judge and superintendent to determine how the exhibitor’s absence will affect the placing awarded.
    • General Face-to-Face Questions that may be asked…
      Where did you get the idea for this exhibit?
      Who helped you?
      What was the easiest part of making this exhibit?
      What was the most difficult or challenging part?
      What would you do differently if you made another exhibit?

What do you like most about your project? 
What do you like least about this project?
What have you learned in this project?
What would you like to learn more about in this project?

  • 1-2-3-4 Method: Usually used in Open Class. There is one 1st, one 2nd, one 3rd, one 4th placing. The judge does not have to give a 1st. Below 4th receives no ribbons and no premiums.

Please contact the Dodge County Junior Fair Entry Coordinator with questions [email protected] or 920-386-3834