Junior Fair Family and Child Development Judging Results
Family & Child Development - Child Development - Any Family/Child Develop Item 1st - Samantha J Horning, Achievers 2nd - Lydia Case, A-OK
Family & Child Development - Child Development - Any Family/Child Develop Item 1st - Samantha J Horning, Achievers 2nd - Lydia Case, A-OK
Computers - Computer I Grades 3-5 - Photo series Comp Gen 1st - Jacob Roche, Astico Perseverance Computers - Computer I Grades 3-5 - Scrapbook/Storybook Comp Gen 1st - Molly L Erickson, Neosho Utopians Computers - Computer 2 Grades 6-8 - T-shirt design Comp Gen 1st [...]
Exploring & Cloverbuds - Exploring - EXP-Animal Project Booklet 1st - Pyper Merfeld, Astico Perseverance Exploring & Cloverbuds - Exploring - EXP-Animal Display 1st - Kari Schmidt, Herman Hornets Exploring & Cloverbuds - Exploring - EXP-Bird Booklet-5 pgs Unlined 1st - Timothy P Cameron, Juneau Victorians [...]
Home Environment - Home Environment - Design Plan of room 2nd - Carmen Lake, Juneau Victorians Home Environment - Home Environment - Any Home Environment Article 1st - Linnea D Lerwick, Burnett, Inc. 1st - Emmett H Lerwick, Burnett, Inc. 1st - Ashlyn Rein, Richwood Rangers [...]
Knitting & Crocheting - Knitting - Any Knitted Article 1st - Britney J Wendorf, Leipsic 1st - Holley T Schwartz, Watertown Badgers 1st - Rebekah E Torkelson, Watertown Badgers 2nd - Kristen Konczal, Lomira Clover Leaves 2nd - Mary M Zwald, Leipsic 2nd - Vincent R [...]
Clothing - Clothing 1 - First Year - Set - 2 Sew Accessories 1st YR 1st - Kelby Wagner, Juneau Victorians Clothing - Clothing 1 - First Year - BBQ Mitt or Potlholder 1st YR 1st - Katie M Schmidt, Achievers Clothing - Clothing 1 - [...]
Mechanical Projects - Small Engines - Sm Engine Parts-Panel Exh 2nd - Blake Schmidt, Herman Hornets Mechanical Projects - Small Engines - Carburetor Parts-Panel Exh 2nd - Blake Schmidt, Herman Hornets Mechanical Projects - Aerospace - Aerospace Poster 1st - Kale S Rennhack, Watertown Badgers Mechanical [...]
Flowers & Houseplants - Flowers - Asters, 4 blooms 1st - Natalie E Siedschlag, Richwood Rangers 2nd - Melissa Batterman, Lomira Clover Leaves 2nd - Sara L Skalitzky, Portland Boosters 2nd - Ella E Leitner, Neosho Utopians 2nd - Audella K Wredberg, Tri-County Twisters Flowers & [...]
Food & Nutrition - Cooking 101 - Oatmeal Muffins- plate of 3 2nd - Lily Wangler, Lebanon Luckies 2nd - Emma R Klink, Neosho Utopians Food & Nutrition - Cooking 101 - Cornbread 4" square 2nd - Hazel James, Leipsic Food & Nutrition - Cooking 101 [...]
Kids, Cops & Canines Summer Safety Day Camp is conducted by professional youth workers, volunteer youth, and adults involved in 4-H and Dodge County Law Enforcement. Youth do not need to be in 4-H to attend this day camp. 4-H is the Youth Education Program of the University of Wisconsin-Extension.