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Calling all dairy enthusiasts! Don’t miss the exciting Dodge County Holstein Futurity Show! This unique event is a showcase for the area’s finest Holstein breeders and their exceptional cattle.

Here’s what makes the Futurity Show special:

  • Breeder Showcase: Local Holstein breeders get to present their most impressive registered Holsteins, with at least 87% RHA (registered Holstein ancestry).
  • Calf to Cow Competition: The competition follows the development of these animals. Breeders enter their calves, and then return two years later to showcase the same cows after they’ve given birth for the first time.
  • Celebration of Excellence: The show is a formal affair, with exhibitors proudly parading their cows in elegant attire.
  • Huge Draw: The event consistently attracts a packed crowd, filling the arena to standing-room-only each year.

This is your chance to see:

  • Top-quality Holstein cattle bred by dedicated local professionals
  • The dedication and skill of these breeders as they raise and present their animals

Mark your calendars and join the crowd at the Dodge County Holstein Futurity Show!

The show will be available as a live stream and recorded on our YouTube channel.

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